Lessons & Coachings

Lessons and coachings are one-on-one are available in person at Christopher’s studio in Stamford, Connecticut, or online.

Voice Lessons

Every singer has a unique, individual, and beautiful voice. Voice lessons will help you find and develop that voice. Christopher’s teaching is built on the principle of developing correct neurological pathways to the instrument, so that singing becomes a reflex, allowing the free expression of each student’s innate musicality.

The technical skills that you will gain in lessons will manifest through improved range, resonance, endurance, flexibility, agility, and ease of production. Exercises build strength and coordination in the right muscles, while releasing unnecessary tension in the rest of the body. The result over time is a beautiful, easy, expressive tone.

Vocal Coaching

Vocal coaching gives your performance an edge. Here you will refine style, phrasing, dramatic presentation, and clear diction. Whereas in voice lessons you will build fundamentals of technique, in coachings you will apply that technique for the most impactful and polished and performance. This is critical for singers preparing an audition package, a recording, a theatrical or operatic role, or a recital.

Christopher draws on over 20 years of experience performing with top conductors, directors and composers, in repertoire ranging from the 6th Century through the 21st Century. He coaches repertoire of all styles in English, German, Russian, French, Italian and Latin.

Demo Recordings

Christopher loves producing audio and video studio recordings for singers. He is available to meet at recording studios in Connecticut and NYC, to direct the flow of recording sessions, provide live feedback, and ensure that your recording is organized, efficient, and shows off your best singing.